⚡ Babes who identify as codependent or people pleasers and find even just the thought of conflict totally anxiety inducing!

⚡ People who feel like drama is drawn to them and want much less conflict in their lives 

⚡ Babes who want to be steadfast in their values, even when pushed or tested - without having an emotional outburst or shutting down

⚡ People who want to set boundaries, have lively discussions, and even respectful disagreements, without having a 3 day vulnerability hangover


This you? 👀 Grab your spot in Conflict Confident here 👇🏼 AND REDUCE YOUR CONFLICT ANXIETY TODAY


✨ Block out your calendar and join live if you can - if not don’t worry, all classes will be recorded for you to keep ✨

Only £97

“I don’t want to be Conflict Confident - I want to have no conflict!”

Babe, I get it! This course is NOT about turning you into one of those people who ‘loves a good argument’ (with all due respect, eesh, no thanks! haha! 😝)

But the reality is, you do already have conflict in your life - and will always have some level of conflict.

Whether it’s internal conflict: Being out of integrity with your own standards and values and feeling a little bit gross about it. Crossing your own boundaries. Over compromising. Feeling frustrated with yourself for not standing your ground, or going with your gut.

Or external conflict: Dysfunctional relationship dynamics with family, at work or with your co-parent. People who are well meaning but don’t communicate well. Difficult sales or service people. And people who for all their various reasons and experiences, can’t handle their own scandal. We can’t avoid them all.

What you have right now is fear of conflict and two main dysfunctional default ways of dealing with it: Absorb it or avoid it.

What you don’t have is a plan. You don’t have the tools, skills or words to deal with conflict confidently. Whether it’s expected - with your co-parent at the weekly drop off. Or unexpected - a heated discussion with a family member that comes out of nowhere.

In Conflict Confident I’m going to take you step by step through a helpful framework for conflict that will help you change your mindset around it, so the thought of it becomes less scary and overwhelming, and will (almost) instantly reduce the amount of conflict you experience.

Then I’m going to give you a set of practical, strategic tools that you can start implementing right away, so you always have a plan for dealing with conflict, confidently, calmly and effectively. No more shutting down, capitulating, over compromising or exploding with emotional outbursts.

Conflict Confident will teach you how to deal with conflict calmly and strategically, whenever it arises, so you can live your life with less guilt, anxiety and icky compromises.

Here’s everything you’ll get IN CONFLICT CONFIDENT:

✅ 5 days of practical - action it now - training on how to deal with any conflict in your life and the tools you need

✨ Drop your anxiety levels dramatically and and feel prepared and confident to deal with conflict whenever it arises, with practical tools and skills you can implement and perfect over a lifetime.

✅ Leave the course with your very own Conflict Commitment - bespoke to your life and relationships.

✨ Your Conflict Commitment is a written guide and reminder of everything you’ve learned on the course - tailored to you and your needs. Refer back to it regularly until dealing with conflict confidently becomes second nature to you.

✅ Time to get your questions on those tricky conflicts answered

✨ This is a hands on, interactive course - your teacher, Jo - is here with you every step of the way. Need support or have a question about a specific conflict? Get clarity and the advice you need right away!

✅ Submit your Conflict Commitment for review to get access to a 30 minute 1:1 coaching call with Jo

✨ Want more in depth help on a specific conflict? Or still feeling anxious about conflict arising in the future? Submit your Conflict Commitment for review, and you’ll receive a 30 minute coaching call to work on whatever you need.


✅ You’ll keep ongoing access to the live class recordings to watch back in your own time.

✨Becoming truly Conflict Confident for life is a skill you’ll build over time with practice. With this course you’ll be able to keep implementing, practicing and building your skills by coming back to rewatch the teachings any time you need a refresher or some extra support.

CLAIM your spot in Conflict Confident here 👇🏼


✨ Join live if you can - or watch the course in your own time ✨

ONLY £97

Start now and PRACTICE being Conflict Confident in just 5 days!

Take away practical lessons and strategies that will change the way you think about, perceive and experience - and most importantly deal with - conflict forever.

“But Jo…”

“I won’t ever be able to handle conflict, it will always trigger me”

I wouldn’t have created this course if I thought this was true! The reason conflict seems to be so big, scary and overwhelming is because you’re seeing it as this outsized monolith, that is always scary and overwhelming. In Conflict Confident I’m going to help you practically break down the different components of what we think of as “conflict” and give you realistic, actionable, strategies to deal with the much smaller, more manageable aspects of conflict. That’s just one of the reasons why I’m confident you can change the way you feel about conflict with this course - in just 5 days!

“I can’t tell if it’s them or me - so I usually just absorb all the blame.”

No worries love, I’ll help you with that too! It’s really common for people pleasers to be the shock absorbers in all their relationships. In Conflict Confident you’ll learn how to shift your perspective to a more realistic one, and how to bolster your integrity and then use it to help you take accountability where necessary and leave the rest - I’m going to teach you how to let people handle their own scandle!

“I’m too sensitive. I should just have a thicker skin.”

With love, how’s that “shoulding” all over yourself working out? If “I should just have a thicker skin” worked, you wouldn’t be considering taking this course. The thing about codependent babes, people pleasers and those of us who tend towards an anxious attachment style - we’re usually a bit more sensitive than the general population. And that’s a beautiful thing. It’s part of what makes us who we are. I don’t want you to have to “toughen up” or close down your sensitivities artificially or by force, just so you can move through the world more easily. I will work with who you actually are, and who you want to be and help you to feel more confident about how to deal with conflict. Both things can be true.

“Avoiding conflict is easier, even if it means compromising my own values and crossing my own boundaries.”

Babe, if this is how you feel, I would love to help you change your perspective. Every time you compromise on your own values so you can “avoid conflict” - or prioritise someone else’s comfort - you chip away at your own sense of self worth. You teach yourself that other people’s needs, wants and feelings matter more than yours. You also further embed your fears and anxieties around conflict. If you never expose yourself to it - or even the possibility of it - it will always feel like the big scary monster under your bed. I’m going to help you with controlled exposure so conflict stops being so big and scary in your mind,so you can see that most of the time it’s not half as bad as you were expecting, as well as helping you to reconnect with your own values and integrity, so you’re much less likely to want to to cross your own boundaries in the first place.

You have a lot more control over the level of conflict you experience than you might think

About your teacher

Hi, I’m Jo, your coach and mentor in codependent recovery 👋🏼 I’ve specialised in coaching codependent women and AFAB babes for the last 8 years, over which time I have developed tried and tested practical methods to help people get results in a faster and more sustainable way than just talk therapies, self led personal development work or volunteer run recovery programmes alone.

I designed Conflict Confident specifically for my codependent, anxious and people pleaser babes who struggle so much with even just the thought of a possible conflict, that they find themselves compromising on their own values, just to avoid it.

In just 5 days, with a super practical, actionable curriculum - that you’ll keep ongoing access to, watch it back whenever you need! - Conflict Confident is going to help you deal with conflict confidently whenever it arises, without the guilt, anxiety spirals, massive vulnerability hangovers, and icky feeling compromises.

Hi love - Jo here. I’ll be honest: I do not enjoy conflict. I think enjoying conflict is actually a bit weird and probably points to some other underlying dysfunctional coping mechanism.

So I don’t want to teach you to enjoy conflict either. That’s not what this course is about. It’s about admitting and accepting that conflict is an inevitable part of life, and becoming confident in how you handle it, in any given moment, so you can stop being fearful and anxious about it.

Quite frankly you’ve got more important things to worry about.

Let me give you the practical tools you need - that you can start implementing right away - to not only reduce the amount of actual conflict you experience, but also the amount of conflict anxiety you feel.

JOIN ME FOR Conflict Confident here 👇🏼


✨ Join live if you can - or watch the course in your own time ✨

ONLY £97